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Gibson Charge of the United Methodist Church
Gibson and South Gibson Pennsylvania
Worship Services

Sunday @ 9:00 AM
Gibson United Methodist Church
GPS: 46 Church Road, New Milford, PA 18834
Located near the Intersection of Routes 848 & 547 in Gibson, PA. Just 2.6 miles east of the I-81 Gibson Exit on Rt. 848
South Gibson
Sunday @ 10:45 AM
South Gibson United Methodist Church
GPS: 2839 SR 2067 Union Dale, PA Located at the Intersection of Routes 92 & 2067 in South Gibson, PAJust 3 miles north of the I-81 Lenox Exit on Rt. 92
Fifth Sunday Union Service
In a month with five Sundays, our congregations worship together. The next Union Service is scheduled for Sunday December 29th 2024, at 10:00 AM at the Gibson Church. Worship will be followed by a covered dish brunch and fellowship. Please join us!
Check out our Upcoming Events on the Events page

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